orders will begin shipping around march 12th

VAT & Import Duties

Hello there. More information for you to read if you'd like.

If you are a UK based customer, orders from me are now subject to VAT, which I appreciate is very dull for you, the consumer, but for me, the person making the stuff you may wish to consume, it shaves a bit off the costs of keeping all of this stuff going with the myriad products and services I have to use that cost me VAT. Hope that's okay.

If you are in the EU or anywhere else in the world, your order will likely be subject to local import duties/taxes, for which you, the consumer, will be liable. Again, sorry, but there's not a lot I can do about that.

It's been almost five years since I released a new physical product for online ordering so it's maybe not all that bad in the grand scheme of things? I don't know.

If, with all of the above in mind, you still decide to buy some of this stuff, thank you.